This session was presented by teachers who allow re-dos, retesting, and re-quizzing. I found this to be very interesting and tried to decide if I agreed with this philosophy or not. On one hand I feel mastery learning is definitely a good thing. However, How do you motivate students to do they're best on the first try? Does this create a lot of extra work for the teacher? Maybe a system where the students get two grades would work? One grade for what they earned on the first try and another grade for whether or not they mastered the material. All in all, this was an interesting session that could be interesting to talk about in the future.
I was struck by the importance of creating a positive environment for my students. One presenter showed a picture of a woman who had a fearful expression on her face. Most of the teachers in the room said she looked afraid; however, the presenter said 8/10 middle school students thought the teacher was angry. We need to be careful how we express ourselves in front of our students, knowing that they misread some of our thoughts.
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